
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Stress Management Vs Fun@Work

Just before coming from vacation I was watching "Comedy nights with Kapil" and a scene put me to take a deep thought. The guests who so ever comes to the show are always joyful. Aren't they working for long hours? But still joyful. Any reality programs you see, every one will be found joyful (they might be getting paid for that though). At the same time people working at corporate farms are found complaining of stress. They will make faces as if they have lost everything or did something wrong by coming into this world. Even many of corporates have started programs called Stress Management.

Its really difficult to understand stress management. Because in my understanding, we manage things which are precious to us. I have business, I have wealth, I have family; We manage all these things as these are precious to us. Why could anybody manage stress? Is it a part of our life which we need to manage? 
Stress is just an inability to manage your own system. Stress is not because of the nature of work. 
The CEO is complaining of stress and at the same time the security guard also complaining of stress. In between every other person is saying his job is stressful and unemployed are stressful too. If you are suffering your job and you are fired will you be joyful? No. 
So stress is not about the job obviously. It is just that you don't know how to manage your body, how to manage your mind, how to manage your emotion, your energy, your chemistry. You don't know how to manage anything. You are functioning by accident so everything is stressful. 
You get into your car without a bad steering wheel; when you turn left car goes to right and vice-versa, you will be stressful isn't it? That's a kind of mechanism you are driving without understanding anything about it, just by chance you are going blundering through life; you will be stressful. 
Stress is not because of the nature of the activity you are performing, not because of life situations. Stress is simply because you don't know how to manage your own system. What is stressful for you is somebody is breezing thought it, That's all. Stress is not situational, It is just an inability to manage inner situation not the outer situation. 

Essentially the quality of our life change and transform not because we change content of our lives. Only because we have changed the context of our lives. Someone is living a beautiful life doesn't mean he does something different. But some how his life magical and beautiful, because of the context. This could have happened to people when they fall in love with somebody. They were doing the same thing, suddenly they are in love with someone; suddenly everything is different. Because the context of their life has changed. But then once they fall out of it, the context of their life has changed and situation becomes miserable. Changing the context which is something voluntary, which is something you can do will fully. Changing the content may not be possible as you will. Because to change the content of your life you need permission from the situations in which you exists. Isn't it? But to change context of your life you don't need anybody's permission. It is not at all situational. 

So on a certain day 3 men were working in one place. Another man came by and asked a men what are you doing here? One man raised his eye brows and tell "Can't you see, I am cutting stones. Are you blind". This man moved on to the next man and asked what are you doing here? That man replied "I need some thing to feed my belly. I am doing what ever they asked me to do". He went to that third man and asked the same thing. That man with a great joy told "I am building a beautiful temple here". All of them are doing the same thing, but their experience of what they are doing are very different. Every human being in every moment of his life would be doing what ever are from these 3 context. That will determine the quality of his life not he is actually doing. How simple or how complex activity you are doing doesn't change the quality of your life. In what context you are doing changes the quality of your life. 

Have fun at work, which will bring in energy and increase the quality of life.

(Some of the excerpts here are taken from an interview of Sadguru-Isha Foundation)

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